Can a constructor be used to change the data inside an object?

A good answer might be:

No. Constructors always create new objects. (They might get data from an old object, but a completely separate object will be constructed using a different chunk of main memory.)

Dangerously Similar Program

Here is the example program, this time modified to create a second Point object:

import java.awt.*;
class ChangingData2
  public static void main ( String arg[] )
    Point pt = new Point( 12, 45 );                  // construct a Point
    System.out.println( "First values: " + pt );     

    pt       = new Point( -13, 49 ) ;                // construct a new Point
    System.out.println( "Final values: " + pt ); 

Here is a picture showing the situation before and after the second assignment statement:

In the "After" picture, the first object is shaded to emphasis that it is now "garbage." The reference variable pt refers to the newly created object.


What will this second version of the program output to the monitor?